Forty & Beyond Fabulous Hormone Workshop for Female Athletes

Bring an active friend and get empowered in your perimenopause journey!

Hosted by Dr Tracy Palmer ND

Sunday, March 16th, 3:30-5 pm 

Quispamsis Crossfit

Do you participate in exercise with specific goals or intentions? 

Do you take part in moderate-intensity exercise for more than 150 minutes per week?  

Then, you're an athlete and you'll want to treat your body as one as you transition through perimenopause and menopause

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Please note: this ticket is non-refundable

Hormone WorkshopPerimenopause$39

Overwhelmed by information on the internet? Get the facts. Be empowered in your hormone journey 

What is perimenopause and how do you know you're in it?

How + why tracking your cycle matters during this time in your life

Important lab testing to consider

How hormone changes impact your body composition and training

Nutrition and supplement considerations to optimize your health and training. 

What you need to know about HRT

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  • Total payment
  • 1xPerimenopause Workshop Athlete$39

All prices in CAD